AVID Mission Statement

AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a
global society

September 28, 2009

Hispanic Heritage Month

The students created Loteria Cards for Hispanic Heritage Month. We had Idea Boards that the students added to every Period. The lesson took exactly 35 minutes from start to finish.

September 15, 2009


Today was the first Tutorial with tutors this year. Great Job Everyone! Thank you Tutors.

September 13, 2009

A "Shout Out"

AVID and Mr. Krivanek were given a "shout out" on the BMS home website.


Always do your best
Do all you can
Very good grades
Any day you can make a change
Now is the time to learn
Carry out all your assignments
Everyone has something they are good at
Many people succeed
Every day is an opportunity
Never give up
Today is the day I pass


Never be late
Do your best
Intelligent students
Very prepared students
I will try my best
Determined to do good
Understand better
Ask a lot of questions
Learning new things

Does homework every night
Excited for AVID
Turns in homework
Entertainment comes after homework
Reads every night
My work will always come first
I read in my room
Never do drugs
Always motivated
To accomplish my goal
I will never be tardy...
Out of all the days at school
Never talk to strangers

David, Raymond, Justin, Eduardo / Julissa, Denisse, Marlene, Luis / Ana , Christopher, Jose, Larry

September 8, 2009


The theme this year is ...

Creating Strong Roots and Branching Out to the Future

The Ideal AVID Student

Ms. Lopez-Sevilla

Mr. Lucero

Under Construction... pictures soon to come.