AVID Mission Statement

AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a
global society

November 27, 2008

Thank you...

I would like to use this time to say "Thank You".

Thank you,

Ms. Witt
Mr. Delgado
Mrs. Peterson
Mrs. Cruz
Mr. Lucero
Ms. Reynolds
and Mr. Kimbwala
for making AVID parent night a success in October.

Thank you,

Alex's Father
Olivia's Grandfather
Nubian's Mother
Mr. Beard
Mr. Lucero
for chaperoning the UCLA game.

Thank you,

AVID Classes
Ms. Olmeda
Mrs. Meyer
Mrs. Cruz
Mr. Espinoza
Ms. Reynolds
Security Staff (Pennants)
Mr. Lucero for making the APIP visit by the AVID director a success.

Thank you,
Mr. Larivee for helping us with all our technology needs.

...and "Thank You" to all for making the BMS AVID program a success.

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