AVID Mission Statement

AVID's mission is to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a
global society

August 30, 2010

College Research

Your Goals for today - August 31st, 2010

1. Please check your Zangel account for your grades. I will come around student by student to sign them if needed during class.

2. Explore your college website. Please use the entire periods to become familiar with your college website. Try to find answers to your questions while you explore. You must answer at least two questions before the bell rings at the end of class today.

3. Please explore the links before you ask any questions. The most common answer Mr. Espinoza (Mr. E) and I will have is "keep clicking", "keep looking", and even.... "did you click on that" as we point to your screen.

10 minutes into class I will have all of you stop for a moment and review the worksheet for common questions.


You will finish the worksheet during class. If you do not complete the worksheet in class it will become homework. If you do not have internet at home, please use the computer lab before school or after school tutoring in room 12 on Thursdays.

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